The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends young people
need at least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.
Physical activity is important for young people to keep healthy. It helps
develop strong bones and muscles, maintain a healthy body weight and develop
cardiovascular fitness. Regular physical activity has also been linked to a
lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. While there are many physical health benefits
of keeping active, physical activity is also associated with positive emotional
wellbeing. Research has demonstrated regular physical activity is linked to
lower levels of anxiety, depression and stress as well as increased
self-esteem. Moreover, research suggests that young people who are physically
active are less likely to adopt health risk behaviours such as smoking tobacco
and alcohol use. Despite the benefits of physical activity, the findings from
the 2010/11 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey indicate the
majority of young people in England are not meeting the WHO guidelines1.
Click here to see the latest HBSC national report.
Walking to school may be an easy way of integrating physical
activity into young people’s lives. As part of National Walking Month, the
charity Living Streets is running their annual Walk to School Week
campaign from 19th to 23rd May. A number of studies have
consistently demonstrated that walking to school can be an effective way of
contributing to the recommendations set out by the WHO. A study carried out in
England measured the physical activity of 2035 children aged 9 – 10 years;
those who walked to school had higher levels of moderate to vigorous physical
activity compared with those who travelled by car2. Like physical activity generally, walking to school has been associated with many positive health outcomes. Lubans and colleagues3 reviewed the literature on
active travel to school and health related fitness, and found an association
between walking to school and a healthier body composition and
cardiorespiratory fitness among young people. Similarly, a recent study4
in Portugal found young people who used active means when travelling to school
were more likely to have a healthy waist circumference and cholesterol levels
compared with those who used cars or public transport.
The physical health benefits of walking to school are often
promoted in the bid to encourage more young people to adopt active travel methods to school, however walking to school also has a
number of positive effects on young people’s social developmental. Interviews
and focus groups with adults and young people have demonstrated walking to school
is associated with increased independence and responsibility, social skills and
road safety skills5,6.
Children who walked to school demonstrated better spatial awareness and
road sense; they were able to draw more detailed maps of their route to school
which included pavements and pedestrian crossings6.
While there is no doubting the health and social benefits of
walking to school, many children are unable to do so. In fact, active transport
such as walking and cycling to school has become less common over recent years.
In 1995/97, 53% of primary school children and 42% of secondary school children
reported walking to school. By 2012, the numbers had decreased to 47% and 38%
respectively. Consequently the number of students travelling to school by car
has increased; from 38% to 44% for primary school students and 20% to 26% for
secondary school students7. A number of researchers have explored
the barriers preventing children and parents from walking to school, including
family schedule, distance to school, weather and parental concerns about safety8.
Walking to school is associated with a number of positive
physical and health social development outcomes however it is obvious certain
barriers do prevent young people from walking to school every day. The Walk
Once a Week (WoW) and Park and Stride scheme promoted by Living Streets may be
ideal ways of incorporating walking to school into busy lives. Buckley and
colleagues9 found active travel awareness days had positive effects
on young people’s choice of travel, with parents noticed the awareness days
increased their child’s motivation to walk to school. Let’s hope this Walk to
School Week can have similar impacts in the UK…fingers crossed the sun keeps
- Brooks, F., Magnusson, J.,
Klemera, E., Spencer, N. & Morgan, A. (2011). “HBSC England National
Report: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC): World Health
Organization collaborative cross national study.”
- Owen, C. G., Nightingale,
C. M., Rudnicka, A. R., van Sluijs, E. M. F., Ekelund, U. et al. (2012)
Travel to school and physical activity levels in 9–10 year-old UK children
of different ethnic origin: Child Heart and Health Study in England
(CHASE). PLoS ONE, 7(2), e30932
- Lubans, D. R., Boreham, C.
A., Kelly, P., Foster, C. E. (2001). The relationship between active
travel to school and health-related fitness in children and adolescents: a
systematic review. International
Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8(5)
- Pizarro, A. N., Ribeiro, J. C., Marques,
E. A., Mota, J. & Santos, M. P. (2013). Is walking to school associated
with improved metabolic health? International
Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(12)
- Tooley, R., Bickerstaff,
K. & Shaw, S. (nd) Beyond public health: benefits of walking on
children’s social development.
- Living Streets (2008). Backseat Children: How our Car
Dependent Culture Compromises Safety on our Streets.
- Department for Transport
(2013). Statistical Release - National Travel Survey 2012.
- Stewart, O., Moudon, A. V. &
Claybrooke, C. (2012). Common ground: Eight factors that influence walking
and biking to school. Transport Policy, 24, 240-248.
- Buckley, A., Lowry, M. B.,
Brown, H. & Barton, B. (2013). Evaluating safe routes to school events
that designate days for walking and bicycling. Transport Policy, 30, 294-300.
Kayleigh Chester